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Proper Storage Practices for Spare Electric Motors

Proper Storage Practices for Spare Electric Motors

Many companies have spare electric motors in their warehouse in the event of a critical motor failure. Many times this can be an intelligent decision, allowing for quick change out in the event of a failure (or pending failure) or during a scheduled outage or...

Should I Varnish Dip My Motor Every Time?

Should I Varnish Dip My Motor Every Time?

I am often told “I want that motor varnish dipped too”, but is re-dipping a reconditioned motor really good for the motor? Using proper repair practices motors can be reconditioned and repaired many, many times. Putting varnish over varnish continually is not always...

What Electric Motor Frame Sizes Tell You

What Electric Motor Frame Sizes Tell You

It is standard to see the “frame” size on every electric motor nameplate, but do you understand what that frame means in regard to the mounting of the motor? Many have been in the situation where you needed a specific frame only to realize it was made with a special...

What is Correct Approach to Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA)?

What is Correct Approach to Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA)?

If an electric motor repair shop conducts a thorough teardown and root cause failure analysis of your rotating equipment, surprises in the repair process should not occur. When you’ve sent in your rotating equipment to a motor repair shop, you shouldn’t be receiving...

How to Modernize Your Overhead Crane

How to Modernize Your Overhead Crane

When one of your overhead cranes just isn’t performing like it used to, you can face some tough decisions. Is it time to replace it? Should you invest in a new crane? Or is it merely time to modernize your crane? Why Modernize Modernizing refers to enhancing and...

Considerations when repairing a Two-Pole (3600 RPM) Electric Motor

Considerations when repairing a Two-Pole (3600 RPM) Electric Motor

Two-pole motors can be more challenging to repair because of the vibration issues that can be related to the units operating at higher speeds, which means there are special tests that need to be performed on them. Without checking characteristics such as runout and...

Spare & Backup Electric Motors Fail as Well

Spare & Backup Electric Motors Fail as Well

Just because you’ve got a backup or spare electric motor doesn't mean it's ready to go into service or that it will even work. And we’ve seen that happen to our customers, time and time again--and it’s especially problematic when it’s a critical motor that’s gone...

Mechanical Inspection of Electric Motors: What Really Matters?

Mechanical Inspection of Electric Motors: What Really Matters?

When it comes to inspecting electric motors, it’s not just the electrical components that are important. The mechanical aspects of a motor are extremely important to its performance, which is why mechanical inspection of electric motors is so important. Critical Fits...

What’s the Average Lead Time on Electric Motor Repairs?

What’s the Average Lead Time on Electric Motor Repairs?

What's the average lead time on electric motor repairs? That question comes up often and can be difficult to answer. The lead time for a motor repair depends on several factors. If you want a repair that increases the reliability of your motor, it’s almost impossible...