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Visual Inspections are still as important as ever!

Visual Inspections are still as important as ever!

In the world of technology, more specifically maintenance technology, there are so many different tools we are using to make decisions. We use vibration analysis, ultrasonic analysis, motor current analysis, thermography, and so many other technologies that many...

How important is certification for vibration analysis?

How important is certification for vibration analysis?

Category I, Category II, Category III and Category IV – What are they and what do they have to do with vibration analysis? Why should they matter to my corporation? Through The Vibration Institute, Mobius Institute, Technical Associates of Charlotte, and various other...

How are you using maintenance data? To make decisions?

How are you using maintenance data? To make decisions?

There is so much data available to us in today’s world. Smart homes, smart thermostats, smart light bulbs, everything is “smart.” If you went out and bought one of the smart devices, would you use it? Or would you use it just like your previous “non-smart” thermostat?...

Why Precision Balancing Matters for Rotating Equipment

Why Precision Balancing Matters for Rotating Equipment

Do you know to what standard your motor shop is balancing your rotating equipment? Is your shop’s equipment even capable of precision balancing and reporting? A couple of thousandths can make a difference in the longevity of a machine. So here are some questions you...

How to Protect Your Electric Motors with Vibration Analysis?

How to Protect Your Electric Motors with Vibration Analysis?

An anti-friction bearing race unexpectedly cracked on your electric motor, leading to a catastrophic failure, emergency shutdown, downtime, and lost productivity -- not to mention the expensive repairs involved. Is there a way to detect impending failures before they...

Is Your Equipment Asset Management System Ready to Save the Day?

Is Your Equipment Asset Management System Ready to Save the Day?

It has always amazed me how unprepared some businesses are in the event of a breakdown of critical equipment. These unplanned plant shutdowns can have a tremendous financial impact costing companies hundreds of thousands of dollars per hour. Almost every time that we...

6 Signs Your Overhead Crane Needs Service…Now!

6 Signs Your Overhead Crane Needs Service…Now!

If you neglect the signs that your crane needs service, the results can be dire. Equipment could be seriously damaged, productivity could drop, and, most importantly, employees could be injured. Then there are other issues, such as non-compliance with crane and safety...

Overhead Crane Pre-Operation Inspection Checklists are Essential

Overhead Crane Pre-Operation Inspection Checklists are Essential

Before you use an overhead crane, you should always perform a pre-op inspection -- and a great tool to do that consistently is to use a basic checklist. But you also need to recognize why these inspections are essential! Operator Inspections Several different types of...

What is the Cost of NOT Doing Scheduled Reliability Maintenance?

What is the Cost of NOT Doing Scheduled Reliability Maintenance?

The global predictive maintenance market is expected to grow rapidly from $4.5 billion in 2020 to $64.3 billion in 2030, according to consulting group NextMSC. This serves as evidence that more and more facilities are implementing predictive maintenance (PdM) and...

IoT (Internet of Things) & Predictive Maintenance Technologies

IoT (Internet of Things) & Predictive Maintenance Technologies

Why the hype over IoT-backed predictive maintenance technologies? Is it just a passing technology trend, or does it really have the power to significantly impact the reliability of your equipment and the bottom line for your company? Digital Transformation and...