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When Is It Time to Upgrade Your Overhead Crane?

When Is It Time to Upgrade Your Overhead Crane?

Knowing when to replace or perform overhead crane upgrades can reduce unexpected downtime and repair costs. This article will discuss the top five reasons for upgrading your overhead crane or components, starting with crane longevity overview. Overhead Crane Longevity...

The Importance of Overhead Crane Training

The Importance of Overhead Crane Training

Because proper overhead crane training benefits the operator, coworkers, and company productivity, its importance cannot be overstated. In addition to learning how to lift and move different load types correctly, overhead crane training also instructs operators and...

Crane Parts and When to Replace Guide

Crane Parts and When to Replace Guide

Are you looking for replacement overhead crane parts but don’t know where to start? Let us walk you through the inspection and replacement process. Overhead cranes are available in a broad range of configurations that include: Single Girder Double Girder Box Girder...

Understanding the Dangers of DIY Overhead Cranes

Understanding the Dangers of DIY Overhead Cranes

For many small companies and hobbyists, a DIY overhead crane solution can appear to be an intelligent decision. By utilizing a few readily available components, such as wood or steel beams, a hoist, and some connection and reinforcement plates, a DIY crane could add...

Proper Rigging Techniques for Overhead Cranes

Proper Rigging Techniques for Overhead Cranes

To perform a safe and successful lift, the crane operator and rigger(s) must consider the crane, environmental conditions, load, sling and hitch, and the desired operation. Since unbalanced loads, exceeding the crane’s capacity, or using a defective sling can quickly...

What are Hoists, and What Do They Do?

What are Hoists, and What Do They Do?

A hoist is an overhead lifting device that uses pulleys and either wire rope or chain to lift the load or move it horizontally. Hoists work by transferring the load from the hook to the traveling beam of the crane, allowing them to move heavy items around the work...

The Benefits of Overhead Crane Modernization

The Benefits of Overhead Crane Modernization

As your business grows and evolves, you will likely need to increase your crane’s capacity, speed, or reliability to keep up with increased demands. For many, purchasing a new crane to meet these new demands may seem like the best option until you see the price tag....

Best Material Handling Practices for Overhead Cranes

Best Material Handling Practices for Overhead Cranes

To prevent workplace accidents and injuries, safety must be the top priority for those in the material handling industry. While today’s overhead cranes make material handling look effortless, every lift is the result of a complex process involving best practices for...

The Benefits of Motorizing Overhead Cranes

The Benefits of Motorizing Overhead Cranes

Like many other industries, one of the simplest ways to increase productivity is to motorize the tools and devices used by the workers. Hand saw vs circular saw Sandpaper vs electric sander Bit & brace vs electric or cordless drill The same holds true as the...