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Is Your Motor Experiencing Excessive Heat?

Is Your Motor Experiencing Excessive Heat?

Identifying the root cause of an overheating motor can be challenging, given the multitude of potential issues it may signify. In this article, we will explore common reasons behind motor overheating, how to confirm overheating as the culprit, corrective measures, and...

Choosing an Electric Motor Repair Partner: Key Considerations

Choosing an Electric Motor Repair Partner: Key Considerations

Investing in a quality motor comes with significant costs, and ensuring its longevity and optimal performance is crucial. When faced with motor issues, selecting a repair shop that delivers quality work at a fair price becomes paramount. This article outlines...

NEMA Standards, Part 2 – Interpreting Frame Sizes

Known as NEMA for short, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, is the United States’ largest electrical equipment manufacturer trade association. As established in part 1 of our NEMA Standards blog series, uniformity is a must in electrical manufacturing....

Optimal Bearing Lubrication: Guidelines and Timing

Optimal Bearing Lubrication: Guidelines and Timing

Bearing lubrication is the cornerstone of ensuring optimal motor performance. Proper lubrication serves to reduce wear by maintaining separation between rolling surfaces, dissipating friction-induced heat, safeguarding against contaminants, averting corrosion, and...

Lubrication for Electric Motors and Rotating Equipment

Lubrication for Electric Motors and Rotating Equipment

While it’s evident that every electric motor or rotating equipment requires regular lubrication to operate efficiently, not all lubricants and lubrication systems are equal. For example, simple grease lubrication may suffice in some cases, while other situations...